Prior to this post, I've been working on configuring an HSM for generating secure keys that are FIPS compliant, owing to the nature of my job and the calibre of clients the company has.
I'll update the information regarding the HSM, I've lost track of what I've done because I've been extremely busy fixing lots of bugs from security systems to program codes.
Today I'm working on moving files securely when a folder on one of our AWS servers has been updated. I'll need this file moved to another server in a different AWS location and a different machine. Technically, from Linux to Windows.
I got to know of a python package that could do this job, I'll need to write a script and run a cron job every week to ensure that no file is missed.
So my first and only hassle at present is with Paramiko package.
It's a bit weird on how to install in linux.
If you have similar issues visit:
Afterwards, if you use centos, you should do this: yum install python-paramiko
And that's it, your script should run okay. Please comment on any ideas you may have encountered while trying out new things, I want to learn from you!