Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Months of staggering and pushing through

I didn't realise how long I'd been anaemic, but I'd been feeling poorly for some months before my PhD got cracking. So, I got back from Africa after a long summer visit and got to busy London lifestyle. I journeyed to Kent once or twice a week to face this full-time PhD, that seemed like a curse at the time because I barely managed to get out of bed, take a shower, board the dlr, get on the overground train to University. Little did I know my life was just few days to go but hey, God always carries his own. (Before you start wondering, I am a Christian PhD Computing Student).

Anyway, 15th of December 2013 held a memory for me. I fainted on my way to Uni and I was told the most shocking news ever, I had about 7.9 blood count which was like a death sentence technically. I had to quit University - called intermission of studies for two months. I tell you that was the best thing that ever happened to me. That break helped me refocus my life and get back on gear. I am back to Uni now and on top speed. Hehe!!! Let's get on this PhD train, shall we?

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