Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Huddle for some weeks

I've been working on installing SonarQube to use for secure code analysis.
Boy! I never knew SonarQube could be this easy and yet complicated. I'm still working on it.

What I've done so far:

  1. Got windows server on AWS
  2. Setup an RDS for SQL server in AWS
  3. Installed, Java (JRE. JDK gave me serious trouble, so I stuck with just the JRE), Ant (needed for the plugin and I need in Sonar) and SonarQube.
  4. Downloaded sqljdbc_6.0

SonarQube issues:
Firstly, the database is very different for AWS when using RDS. Connecting to the database in the sonar.properties doesn't require localhost. You'll need the RDS connection string, which can be obtained from AWS or when you log into SQL server on the Amazon windows machine. (if you have questions regarding this, please comment and I'll respond as soon as I can).

Secondly, ensure your database was created properly! You can google SonarQube SQL server database and you'll find information of what's required in the "collation" properties. 

Ensure you include Java JRE location in the wrapper properties, it should be at the top of the page, do not edit the other parts of it, it's strictly prohibited if you expect Sonar to work.

I tried all these with SonarQube 6.3. 6.5 and 6.6

I got kicked out a lot of times with issues regarding IP address, firewall and Java. Now, enable port 9000, 9001 (if needed) and 1433 through your firewall. Trust me, sometimes, this can resolve a bunch of issues, it worked for me.
SonarQube 6.6 worked after installation but it had issues with some upgrade to the database, which I found out is synonymous for "upgrade SonarQube".

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